We initially thought that Petersburg would be another touch and go layover with an early morning departure. But, we extended to a two night stay after we were able to scare up a last minute booking of an excursion to take the whole group over to the La Conte glacier, risking Rob's boat (Seek Alaska Tours), not ours. :-)

Not only was it so much fun to do something social together with the entire group for the first time in many days, but the glacier really delighted. And, there were plenty of bangs and creaks from deep below the tour boat as it 'bumper car'd' its way up super close to the ice. We hung around for a long, long time and drank glacier ice laced coctails. Our patience was rewarded by seeing (and capturing on camera) the claving of a large section of the glacier that happened to feature what looked like the face of the kind you would see on a totem pole in the south Pacific.
The individual shots of the calving are stitched together here in a 20 second video. Each shot of the calving is also included in the gallery below.